
Sunday, 20 November 2011

In an Instant

We stood....opposite each other sense or logic dictated our meeting....we met...coupled for a few moments...senses overwhelmed momentarily and then we parted.
That was all it ever was.

And then....


Confusion and blood covered those tentative tracks, all good intentions buried and neither of us see a way out now. Whatever drove us to this point in the first place? Flesh and flesh had once united and we were one.

Would you destroy yourself?

Friday, 18 November 2011

Not Esoteric

You must forgive me for a rather benumbed sentiment. Sometimes, it is easier to focus on the more mundane than it is on the horror of what is unfolding around us. 
Tonight I saw an article about a girl being tried under Egypt's Blasphemy made me laugh to begin with, why should there be such a thing as blasphemy laws? Is it not blasphemous to kill, to hate to cause other people suffering? I suppose not, especially if that is now the status quo.
Looking at the offending photos, it struck me as a rather inexpert attempt by an ingénue, and actually it is the reaction of media and other people that creates more of a debate. There's so much hypocrisy in that reaction, so much denial of what people prefer to do in the shadows, whilst maintaining this apocryphal sense of conservative respectability. 
I never understood why one need be so duplicitous in their actions, what shame is there in doing something (whether you stand by it or not) and being transparent in your successes and failures? Why this perpetual need for shame?
In Europe, there has been a certain transparency (albeit not extending to every aspect of life) for the better part of the 20th and 21st centuries and I wonder if that has been in tandem with the waning role of religion in our society? It seems to me that whether it be Christianity or Islam, religion promotes guilt and with that judgement and criticism of those around us. In some ways that seems to increase immorality rather that remedy it. But that leads to a far more esoterical discussion than I am able to deal with right now!

Thursday, 10 November 2011

L’enfance d’un chef

Il lui arrivait parfois de regretter ses complexes: ils étaient solides, ils pesaient lourd, leur énorme masse sombre le lestait. À présent, c’était fini, Lucien n’y croyait plus et il se sentait d’une légèreté pénible. Ça n’était pas tellement désagréable, d’ailleurs, c’était plutôt une sorte de désenchantement très supportable, un peu écœurant, qui pouvait, à la rigueur, passer pour de l’ennui. «Je ne suis rien, pensait-il, mais c’est parce que rien ne m’a sali. Berliac, lui, est salement engagé. Je peux bien supporter un peu d’incertitude: c’est la rançon de la pureté.»

Jean-Paul Sartre

Saturday, 5 November 2011

You're not Absolem. I'm Absolem. Stupid girl!

C: Who... are... you? 
A: Why, I hardly know, sir. I've changed so much since this morning, you see... 
C: No, I do not C, explain yourself. 
A: I'm afraid I can't explain myself, you see, because I'm not myself, you know. 
C: I do not know. 
A: I can't put it any more clearly, sir, because it isn't clear to me. 

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Real Aristocracy....

Real aristocracy consists of people who have enough inner resources with which to escape from any situation in which they feel trapped and be free again!

-Francoise Gilot